Who are the Partners

All who support this ministry form a Partnership that has a seven-fold function:

  • A catalyst to help develop new national prayer initiatives, especially in countries where no united effort currently exists;

  • A cartilage to connect churches and ministries in their communities and nations and encourage co-operative and co-ordinated purpose;

  • A consultant to help problem-solve and encourage the visions and missions of those we are invited to serve;

  • A coach that provides teaching and training as well as published resources;

  • A co-worker that not only collaborates but helps in practical ways to bring together informed intercession and just and merciful intervention;

  • A contributor helping to fund pastors’ gatherings in the nations we serve and providing scholarships for board and lodging, giving to justice and mercy initiatives;

  • A community that supports the projects and assignments of the ministry.

Become a Partner

If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and we will get back to you.